Are guys the weaker sex nowadays?
I can't help it but wonder. Seriously, I have 2 real life examples to give today man. And no! I am not sexist and I have a perfectly wonderful and healthy relationship with my boyfriend. But that does not mean that I can't complain ok. I think I have all the right to complain. It's how I feel and I am not going to be fake about it. This is my blog anyway.
Example 1
There are a few people involved in this but let me just call them Guy A and Girl 1. And no the A does not represent asshole (don't even think about it). There is also 2 other and let's name them Guy B and Girl 2 (again B does not represent bastard. I don't know how come it is so coincidental also). I am sure that if they read about this, they confirm know that I am talking about them but then again I cannot disclose their names as they are my friends ok!
The 6 of us, including Kenny and me, was actually planning on going on an outing last Saturday. Due to some things, we didn't go and boy was I fucking pissed that day. To think I actually psycho Sharon to go with me, how much damn time was wasted just to force her to join us. On that particular week on Wednesday, Guy A and B had some outfield thingy due to NS at night and came back to their beds at around 1am or so. I actually don't want to talk much about Guy B loh because I do not know him at all. Ok my outing was spoiled as on Friday, the day before the outing, Girl 1 called me to inform me that the outing is cancelled. Reason: Guy A is still tired from the outfield thingy.
There may be also other reasons that his Thursday and Friday also got things but blah. It is not that I am not being understanding here but what a joke. If Guy A can use to spend so much time on IRC in the past and sleep so damn late but still is able to meet his friends or go to work the next day, I can't believe he needs to days to recover from his tiredness. Then later I was also told that Guy 2 is also still tired. Yea so happy everyone got his or her reason (reason ok I never say excuses). My Kenny is such a poor thing. He had his exams on that week too and he told me that on Friday he want to go home earlier to sleep so can wake up for the next day. I also told Girl 1 that she can ask Guy A to sleep early one loh but it doesn't seem to work anyway.
I am not angry at all with Girl 1; don't see a need to anyway. Her guy is tired; there is nothing she can do anyway. As for Guy A, what's new eh? Always last min don't know see u go where. Are guys really that weak nowadays? Yea maybe it is just an excuse not to go but well this reason really make me look at them in a different light. I am not trying to be mean but hey if my guy is really like that, I think if we get married, we can only have sex like once a week. And its not that we do not want to do it but simply the other party is way to tired to even get up and have some action.
PS: To Girl 1, you know who u are babe! I am not angry at u! Sompah! But then again do not blame me for being mad at him. Even if its my own Kenny, I will slap him too. Ha! Ha!
Example 2
This involves my darling Kenny. Today he is suppose to come find me for lunch at 1pm. Well at about 12.30pm, it started raining and he call me to tell me that he won't be coming cause of the rain. At first I was like ok loh. Then later when I am having my lunch, I thought about it and called him back. I was like WTF? So what if it rains? Wet a bit will die is it? The rain is not that heavy, not that it is drowning the whole of Jurong. I was like pissed. All of the sudden why my bf becomes so sissy, rain got umbrella what if not invent umbrella for fuck and he is driving le. His car got roof and the roof confirm not leaking lo. If he is just giving me a reason not to come, all the better dearie. You deserve your name to be up here. Ok la maybe he is made of paper like me. Cannot go out when raining. *rolls eyes
Tomorrow is Thursday. My dear is on attachment now for his police thingy. He work 2 days off 2 days. Tomorrow and Friday he will be free! And yay! It's our 8th month anniversary tomorrow. 6/5/2004 we are going to celebrate it, as it's my off day too! Will update more ASAP! Don't complain la and flood my email asking me to get my lazy butt of wherever to update. Tata!
*Latest! ok i got to know that dear din have a car tt time. but den again.. the umbrella is always there hahahha..