Ooh well busy busy as usual hehe... been having courses for the past few days and of course busy companying my darling!
Yesterday i went to have my nails done.. come to think of it its been long since i go for a manicure.. well cause i have been doing it myself lately.. that day i ask dear what he likes den he mentioned that he like french manicure that type and tada~~ i went to do it cause i just can't seem to make it look nice myself... well he happy i happy.. anyway i went with a colleague of mine call Joanne.. so nice.. we went Shanghai dreams to do.. nice place.. Then dear and i went to eat pasta at this lovely place in bugis.. so nice.. dear recommend to me one.. oh well... happy~~
At night dear and me went to sing KTV with sharon and zhenhui... haha so happy he is willing to go with me.. to do stuff with me... lalala~
today We did something meaningful.. well to me at least... in the morning we went to hdb branch to enquire about some stuff pertaining to his current place.. got to learn more about buying property also.. We went to bishan kim san leng for lunch and i ate my fav carrot cake from over there and also the mee goreng.. initially wanted to eat chicken rice but looking at the queue.. i think can forget it haha... we den took a bus down to Ikea tampines!!
a few days back we went to Ikea at queenstown cause he wanted to renovate his room and we went there to see what we can get... well i brought him to eat the seafood fried rice at alexander market there too... but today we went to Ikea tampines.. courts.. its huge.. and we spend the whole day there looking at stuff for his room.. so happy la.. its v xin fu that kind of feeling.. haha we even discussed that now reno his room already like that.. if next time we get our own place.. wonder how will it be.. lol..
We started a stupid joke in Courts i think the people there might think we are nuts.. cause we were laughing like mad while we were there.. i mean hey its damn funny to us.. and its been a long time i really let go and laugh like mad.. worse.. i keep on making words up to make dear laugh he can't control and both of us like 2 siao people there... The joke is something like cause initially dear was trying to be funny and say words that has the letter R and pronounce it using L. So i was playing around with him using words like Oleng = Orange.. and cause old folks who can't speak proper english.. yea they sound like this.. e.g. Bedroom = Bedloom or that Ruler = Luler.. i mean haha maybe like that read u all won't think its funny but it was at that point in time.. So i go around looking at all the signs in the shop with the R words and pronounce it using L and dear was laughing like mad.. moments ago i thought of 1 more.. Robert usually pronounce as Lobert.. wahahha see what he says later..
KNS! i nearly forget.. nb need to add this in.. yesterday i have a fucked up experience with this person from singnet. knn.. i called to ask for lots of help as ron can't get online. bottom line Singnet sucks man.. their service sucks more.. cause i don't want ron to be paying for the service as he can't use it due to stupid connectivity problem, i called to ask for a waiver for him.. Initially we went to bugis branch's singtel shop for assistance.. as this is a technical issue the counter stuff can't help much, i understand and they told me i can call the billing hotline for assistance. This lady called Puziah picked up my call and make my blood boil man.. initially i still sound ok.. but wah lan eh she really made me scream at her.. I told her my problem about not wanting to pay for unused service. She used words like "so?" and "Then?" on me.. NB i work customer service one ok.. and i cannot tolerate such shit.. that is so fucking rude lo.. she told me billing cannot help.. need call technical side for waiver.. she even ask me why i waste my time to go to the counter.. should just call.. she said these exact words ok.. saying i waste my time.. so i ask her.. as a customer.. who knows we should not go down. where did it state counter cannot help.. going down is wasting time.. i even told her they should abolish the counters better or put in website "please do not go down cause u will waste ur time" Obiviously i called them serveral times and the issue is still not resolved that is why we go down.. still dare ask me why never call.. nb.. when lao niang have the mood liao i will write in to complain about her.. give her a few days more to dwell about this first and when she thought i won't complain, i will pounce an email on her man.. blardy hell don't think i sound young i am good to bully... boy u are so wrong to mess with me..
TMD i asked her why singtel so many lines to call.. to ask abt singnet nia got billing la this la that la.. where is the 1 stop hotline nowadays everyone has man.. so lousy... i think they need to do something la.. i tell u if they win the GEMS award this yr i will laugh man.. product sux liao if service also sucks need go eat shit man..
ooh ya i think dear got scared by me.. can't be helped la.. if i want things done i need to be firm on them if not forever things won't be done.. i wasn't rude or unreasonable throughout the whole conversation. never did i demand for anything special.. everything is just logical ok.. i didn't even want to scream at her till she used the so? word on me.. don't come yaya papaya with Miss Tan ok.. but still i am the sweet sweet deardear to him la.. bleah...
I feel that physically i really need deardear to take care of me and protect me... i am useless man... in the past i always need to act tough in front of others cause there is no one to protect me, look out for me.. or like take care of me..(no joke.. those close to me should know) unlike now.. Ron takes care of me really well.. guess the only thing i am good with is words.. so in such situation, i guess have enough experience to handle such things cause as i am working in this line for 4 yrs? already... i seen enough to know how to get things done.. I guess cause i am more vocal bah.. although i am easy going.. i am not very choosy or particular.. i am just princess not queen.. don't mean can bully me ok~~~~
Deardear don't be scared by me ok haha i love u very much.. but if u want me to keep quiet and let people bully us, i can do so too.. but no la i know u will still love me very much wahahha bu yao lian..
KNS so long i never so angry liao le.. i guess what i learned from my boss is right... in life.. its either u stand up for yourself.. or get bullied.. haha but i am not those kind who will tolerate people bullying me, my family or friends... no way Jose.. i love them too much liao..
deardear say 30-40% of his room is for me le.. haha shall i be so mean to pinkified my share of his room.. hahahaha ok la i not soooooooo bad ok.. maybe i shall just blingbling his room la.. haha just joking!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Today is fun!!! i went ECP with dear, zh and sharon!!!! we went blading!!!!!!!!!!!! initially it was scary as i have not blade for a long time.. but as dear can blade... he was there to guide me.....
After blading, we went back dear's place for dinner.. Auntie cook for us curry fishhead and cereal prawn!! it is so yummyyyyyy.. ai ya forget take pic again... but i already remind dear to ask him to remind me the next time hahaha......... silly me.....
i am feeling very tired now....... thanks dear for everything...
After blading, we went back dear's place for dinner.. Auntie cook for us curry fishhead and cereal prawn!! it is so yummyyyyyy.. ai ya forget take pic again... but i already remind dear to ask him to remind me the next time hahaha......... silly me.....
i am feeling very tired now....... thanks dear for everything...
Saturday, June 16, 2007
was suppose to go ecp today for blading but postpone till tmr cause it rained the whole day... sianx...
so dear and i went to have dindin with his mummy at his house nearby and after that we went town for fantastic four!!! but before that we went to get my bb coral blush and it's lovely... dear gave me his vouchers to use as well hehe subsidise my expenses hohoho.. we also went to IB to help renee get her stuff but that place is closed already...
The show was ok but i guess the greatest part of it all was to be able to watch with him.. cause when i first know him he told me before he don't watch such shows but cause i wanna watch, he was the one who initiated to watch this show with me today...
oh i am so sick... sickening i mean haha... it rained on our way home.. but i wasn't afraid cause i know he will take care of me and ensure i am well... i love the way he smells and the way he holds me in his arms... how ah pek he is but still love him altho i am a little girl hohoho... i even love the way he QC my dressing cause it makes me feel he cares... then again he always bully me haha.. even bully me in front of his mummy!! bleah.. my Mr Nonsense haha.. just love the warm fussy feeling when i am with him.. haha say liao i also paiseh lol but its been a long time since i feel this way..
was suppose to go ecp today for blading but postpone till tmr cause it rained the whole day... sianx...
so dear and i went to have dindin with his mummy at his house nearby and after that we went town for fantastic four!!! but before that we went to get my bb coral blush and it's lovely... dear gave me his vouchers to use as well hehe subsidise my expenses hohoho.. we also went to IB to help renee get her stuff but that place is closed already...
The show was ok but i guess the greatest part of it all was to be able to watch with him.. cause when i first know him he told me before he don't watch such shows but cause i wanna watch, he was the one who initiated to watch this show with me today...
oh i am so sick... sickening i mean haha... it rained on our way home.. but i wasn't afraid cause i know he will take care of me and ensure i am well... i love the way he smells and the way he holds me in his arms... how ah pek he is but still love him altho i am a little girl hohoho... i even love the way he QC my dressing cause it makes me feel he cares... then again he always bully me haha.. even bully me in front of his mummy!! bleah.. my Mr Nonsense haha.. just love the warm fussy feeling when i am with him.. haha say liao i also paiseh lol but its been a long time since i feel this way..
Friday, June 15, 2007
weeeeeeeeeeeee i'm back!!!
haha hows everyone???
i suddenly realised that my birthday is coming!! oh my god so fast i am becoming 24 already...
sheesh.. its around 2 weeks time eh? sighx... old liao.. i also don't know how to celebrate my birthday this year.. but nvm i got my friends and mr toh i'm happy :)
so what should my wishlist be for this year? Well i'm not very sure what i want too.. make up and more make up? ooh ya to slim down haha but maybe i'll just list something la to make things easier for some of you...
1) Tangs vouchers.. yes i can use for my MAC makeup!!
2) new pair of levis jeans... hopefully those with bling blings
3) anything bling bling...
4) anything pink
5) anything princess
6) new mp3 player? but i am kinda picky towards mp3 player le.. i like slim ones but i hate those that needs to be recharged but those that requires batteries which i don't mind cause i can buy it from anywhere... but then again i think i can still use my new one...
7) new hp.. but then again my hp is kinda new and its the same as dear's.. dear like white and his is white and i love black and mine is black so what a coincidence..
8) To be loved and be happy always like how i am feeling now.. hehe
9) Ralph, Ralph Lauren... usual fav.. the turquoise bottle one.. hehe
10) a new perm.. i need it!! i want beautiful hair..
11) a trip to hk maybe? or tokyo disney land
12) this is to god.. please let me lose my fats...
13) do i need a new com? maybe? i don't know.. or would a lappy be good? a pink one? since i don't game anymore i don't really need a desktop right? maybe something pink or white? i don't know.. imagine in future dear's room got 2 lappy.. den we both can use for our own purpose..
14) i definitely don't need a new digicam.. i got 2 already.. one is stil brand new in box with 7.1 megapixel..
Ok la just crapping.. i got a lot of other things that i want but i just can't think of any at the moment.. till there is any then i will post bah...
These few days were amazing again.. days ago.. Auntie cooked chilli crab for us to eat!! so nice lo... like those professional cook one le.. as i have pretty long nails.. i used the sharp chopsticks to eat the crab and poke the meat out.. they all laugh at me.. but mostly dear settle the peeling and all for me la.. haha just eat lo... Den the next day... Auntie cooked herbal chicken... ooh i love her homecooked food... yummy... she even cooked m fav vege.. tho she knows ron don't like to eat... haha usually she only cooks food ron likes bleah!!!!
deardear came to have lunch with me too.. was happy.. we went golden shoe..
den today during lunch deardear went with me to MAC private sale!!! wtf so many people and i spend $100 in 1 hr.. nb... but i was very happy that he company me lo.. usually ask guy to go such things they wun want to.. but dear was nice to bring me there and make sure i reach office in time and alsoo still buy lunchie for me.. so sweet... after tt he went to JB with his friends.. and i am home.. so guai ahaha
yesterday we went to watch spider lilies... lesbian show -.- anyway before that we went shopping for renee.. and i saw my coral blush and will buy it this weekend!! its so pretty i love it so much.. before that we had sakae sushi buffet at heeren... lousy service.. nv going to go there again!!! haha
tmr i'll be going ECP with my babes and hopefully dear can accompany me.. i miss him already.. hehe
haha hows everyone???
i suddenly realised that my birthday is coming!! oh my god so fast i am becoming 24 already...
sheesh.. its around 2 weeks time eh? sighx... old liao.. i also don't know how to celebrate my birthday this year.. but nvm i got my friends and mr toh i'm happy :)
so what should my wishlist be for this year? Well i'm not very sure what i want too.. make up and more make up? ooh ya to slim down haha but maybe i'll just list something la to make things easier for some of you...
1) Tangs vouchers.. yes i can use for my MAC makeup!!
2) new pair of levis jeans... hopefully those with bling blings
3) anything bling bling...
4) anything pink
5) anything princess
6) new mp3 player? but i am kinda picky towards mp3 player le.. i like slim ones but i hate those that needs to be recharged but those that requires batteries which i don't mind cause i can buy it from anywhere... but then again i think i can still use my new one...
7) new hp.. but then again my hp is kinda new and its the same as dear's.. dear like white and his is white and i love black and mine is black so what a coincidence..
8) To be loved and be happy always like how i am feeling now.. hehe
9) Ralph, Ralph Lauren... usual fav.. the turquoise bottle one.. hehe
10) a new perm.. i need it!! i want beautiful hair..
11) a trip to hk maybe? or tokyo disney land
12) this is to god.. please let me lose my fats...
13) do i need a new com? maybe? i don't know.. or would a lappy be good? a pink one? since i don't game anymore i don't really need a desktop right? maybe something pink or white? i don't know.. imagine in future dear's room got 2 lappy.. den we both can use for our own purpose..
14) i definitely don't need a new digicam.. i got 2 already.. one is stil brand new in box with 7.1 megapixel..
Ok la just crapping.. i got a lot of other things that i want but i just can't think of any at the moment.. till there is any then i will post bah...
These few days were amazing again.. days ago.. Auntie cooked chilli crab for us to eat!! so nice lo... like those professional cook one le.. as i have pretty long nails.. i used the sharp chopsticks to eat the crab and poke the meat out.. they all laugh at me.. but mostly dear settle the peeling and all for me la.. haha just eat lo... Den the next day... Auntie cooked herbal chicken... ooh i love her homecooked food... yummy... she even cooked m fav vege.. tho she knows ron don't like to eat... haha usually she only cooks food ron likes bleah!!!!
deardear came to have lunch with me too.. was happy.. we went golden shoe..
den today during lunch deardear went with me to MAC private sale!!! wtf so many people and i spend $100 in 1 hr.. nb... but i was very happy that he company me lo.. usually ask guy to go such things they wun want to.. but dear was nice to bring me there and make sure i reach office in time and alsoo still buy lunchie for me.. so sweet... after tt he went to JB with his friends.. and i am home.. so guai ahaha
yesterday we went to watch spider lilies... lesbian show -.- anyway before that we went shopping for renee.. and i saw my coral blush and will buy it this weekend!! its so pretty i love it so much.. before that we had sakae sushi buffet at heeren... lousy service.. nv going to go there again!!! haha
tmr i'll be going ECP with my babes and hopefully dear can accompany me.. i miss him already.. hehe
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hey yo people!
Its been a few days since i update.. sorry guess i was too busy going out and enjoy myself i completely forgotten about this.. haha...
Let me see where was i.. Nowadays I have been spending lots of time with Mr Toh and his nephews bringing them out or play with them... I am happy even if it involves in doing such things...
New pics!!

Well, on Sat 09/06/07, was the first time i met dear's friends... other than paul/parn that is who i have already known in school. His friends mainly consist of his polymates. Well we went for steamboat!! yummy!! and as usual wahahaha deardear cook for me and peel prawns for me *blissful* I miss eating steamboat actually.. don't know why also.. After steamboat the peeps suggest that we head for KTV at Chinatown.. Guess the steamboat is so spicy it already warm up my voice already.. usually i take a long time to open up/break my voice but this time i don't have to haha. The guys are real fun bunch of people la.. really cracks me up at times with their jokes... I am happy that when i say that i like some songs, dear will sing for me to hear.. i don't care what others think how he sounds but to me its nice nice nice!!! i am so touched lol.. I'm just happy i guess.. oops guess its time for me to learn some new songs if not i always sing the same old thing haha..
We sang till around 2+am and dear suggested that we take a walk in ECP... I love walks.. The sky was filled with stars.. so romantic le.. this are the times where we discuss about stuff and open up to each other.. talk about serious stuff.. and yea we did discussed about certain stuff in our lives.. and of course plan our future.. i guess being together you really have to talk it all out instead of assuming the other party will know so that we can work things out and come to a conclusion instead of leaving things dangling there and it will crash eventually.
Sometimes i am scared that i will become overjealous, over sensitive, over posessive... i don't know.. i am just scared le.. cause maybe he meant a lot to me.. When i am with him i feel protected.. he makes sure i sleep enough.. and that i am dressed properly.. I love it that he cares.. but i also try to give him his own space.. and his freedom to do things he like.. but i know he also will spare a thought for my feelings as well..
Actually I am glad he share the same thoughts with me that we are very open with each other.. It is good to share.. and its like any difference we can hopefully talk it out and compromise and come to a solution. We are 2 individuals and of course opinions will differ at times.. but it is good that a couple tell each other how they feel about certain issues... I like to talk things out.. at least i know where we are heading...
To me, Ron is someone who i can share my problems with and that he will advise and listen to me.. even towards career matters, certain things that i talk about, he knows what i am saying and can share his opinion with me.. I hope that he feels the same way too...
Well on friday 08/06/07, we went shopping!!! i love it when we go shopping... it so happens that we actually saw 2 common friends.. never did we expect that we have common friends.. as we were heading to marks and spencer to buy cookies for the kids, we saw Darren aka Wah Tuck, a guy i know from poly.. so happens that Ron knows him also.. bleah wat a coincidence... haha We then head to taka to walk walk and i saw kaiqin and adeline! they were with Jennifer, Pat and Bogay... haha and happens that Bogay is Ron's secondary school mate.. who i got to know they used to play basketball together... -.- when i call bogay, bogay, deardear say i mei li mao -.-.. kns our whole class calls him that what hahahaha.. anyway i don't really know bogay's real name too lol
What a small world huh.. first i got to know that ron knows my sister and now Ron knows my friends too... When Sis was working in HSBC as a temp, Ron was also there.. same dept somemore.. wah lao.. On sat when i went to meet him, he met his jiemei there and she was with another girl, who was my poly attachment friend... ahhahahaha so happy i don't know why... At night on friday we went to watch Ocean's thirteen and i enjoy it a lot..
Sunday... i went to dear's place... after dinner at the coffee shop, i suddenly fell sick.. my stomach hurts so bad i had problem walking.. i also broke out in cold sweat.. well this is not the first time my body will reject food that is just not right.. but this is the first time it hurts so much.. guess i scared dear pretty much as i just turned pale lol.. sorry darling.. but if he wasn't there i dont know what to do man..
Weeeee on 27th June, i am dating dear out for dinner.. cause 1 month already~~ where should we go to source for yummy food.. let's wait for my update then! haha
Its been a few days since i update.. sorry guess i was too busy going out and enjoy myself i completely forgotten about this.. haha...
Let me see where was i.. Nowadays I have been spending lots of time with Mr Toh and his nephews bringing them out or play with them... I am happy even if it involves in doing such things...
New pics!!
Well, on Sat 09/06/07, was the first time i met dear's friends... other than paul/parn that is who i have already known in school. His friends mainly consist of his polymates. Well we went for steamboat!! yummy!! and as usual wahahaha deardear cook for me and peel prawns for me *blissful* I miss eating steamboat actually.. don't know why also.. After steamboat the peeps suggest that we head for KTV at Chinatown.. Guess the steamboat is so spicy it already warm up my voice already.. usually i take a long time to open up/break my voice but this time i don't have to haha. The guys are real fun bunch of people la.. really cracks me up at times with their jokes... I am happy that when i say that i like some songs, dear will sing for me to hear.. i don't care what others think how he sounds but to me its nice nice nice!!! i am so touched lol.. I'm just happy i guess.. oops guess its time for me to learn some new songs if not i always sing the same old thing haha..
We sang till around 2+am and dear suggested that we take a walk in ECP... I love walks.. The sky was filled with stars.. so romantic le.. this are the times where we discuss about stuff and open up to each other.. talk about serious stuff.. and yea we did discussed about certain stuff in our lives.. and of course plan our future.. i guess being together you really have to talk it all out instead of assuming the other party will know so that we can work things out and come to a conclusion instead of leaving things dangling there and it will crash eventually.
Sometimes i am scared that i will become overjealous, over sensitive, over posessive... i don't know.. i am just scared le.. cause maybe he meant a lot to me.. When i am with him i feel protected.. he makes sure i sleep enough.. and that i am dressed properly.. I love it that he cares.. but i also try to give him his own space.. and his freedom to do things he like.. but i know he also will spare a thought for my feelings as well..
Actually I am glad he share the same thoughts with me that we are very open with each other.. It is good to share.. and its like any difference we can hopefully talk it out and compromise and come to a solution. We are 2 individuals and of course opinions will differ at times.. but it is good that a couple tell each other how they feel about certain issues... I like to talk things out.. at least i know where we are heading...
To me, Ron is someone who i can share my problems with and that he will advise and listen to me.. even towards career matters, certain things that i talk about, he knows what i am saying and can share his opinion with me.. I hope that he feels the same way too...
Well on friday 08/06/07, we went shopping!!! i love it when we go shopping... it so happens that we actually saw 2 common friends.. never did we expect that we have common friends.. as we were heading to marks and spencer to buy cookies for the kids, we saw Darren aka Wah Tuck, a guy i know from poly.. so happens that Ron knows him also.. bleah wat a coincidence... haha We then head to taka to walk walk and i saw kaiqin and adeline! they were with Jennifer, Pat and Bogay... haha and happens that Bogay is Ron's secondary school mate.. who i got to know they used to play basketball together... -.- when i call bogay, bogay, deardear say i mei li mao -.-.. kns our whole class calls him that what hahahaha.. anyway i don't really know bogay's real name too lol
What a small world huh.. first i got to know that ron knows my sister and now Ron knows my friends too... When Sis was working in HSBC as a temp, Ron was also there.. same dept somemore.. wah lao.. On sat when i went to meet him, he met his jiemei there and she was with another girl, who was my poly attachment friend... ahhahahaha so happy i don't know why... At night on friday we went to watch Ocean's thirteen and i enjoy it a lot..
Sunday... i went to dear's place... after dinner at the coffee shop, i suddenly fell sick.. my stomach hurts so bad i had problem walking.. i also broke out in cold sweat.. well this is not the first time my body will reject food that is just not right.. but this is the first time it hurts so much.. guess i scared dear pretty much as i just turned pale lol.. sorry darling.. but if he wasn't there i dont know what to do man..
Weeeee on 27th June, i am dating dear out for dinner.. cause 1 month already~~ where should we go to source for yummy food.. let's wait for my update then! haha
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I'm a blissful girl~~~
Monday deardear bring me go bugis eat hainanese steamboat.. everything he cook and prepare for me.. even peel prawns for me... faints.. no one peel prawn for me before loh.. as in bf la... haha i so happy.. so pampered like a little princess..
Tuesday we went for gelare~~ cause waffles 1/2 price ma.. wah love it so much.. before that dear brought me to marina sq food court.. we sat at the open space.. can see the singapore river.. so nice.. went for a walk later at merlion too.. i'm happy.. even if its simple...
Thanks to Mr Toh for making Miss Tan happy again~~~
Monday deardear bring me go bugis eat hainanese steamboat.. everything he cook and prepare for me.. even peel prawns for me... faints.. no one peel prawn for me before loh.. as in bf la... haha i so happy.. so pampered like a little princess..
Tuesday we went for gelare~~ cause waffles 1/2 price ma.. wah love it so much.. before that dear brought me to marina sq food court.. we sat at the open space.. can see the singapore river.. so nice.. went for a walk later at merlion too.. i'm happy.. even if its simple...
Thanks to Mr Toh for making Miss Tan happy again~~~
Saturday, June 2, 2007
yay! i have officially ended my exams for the year!! last night i went clubbing with ron and sharon and nengli and francine~ so fun and so happy first time my bf go clubbing with me, i feel so taken care of again haha.. as much as other gers tell me that they don't like to club with their bfs, i am fine with it cause i am going there not to find guys what so why not go with bf...
Today i went to work and haikx ailing never come so it was pretty busy...
I think i am silly in love, i have ron's pic on my hp wall paper and i will put my hp beside my keyboard so that i can catch a glance at his pic whenever i am free. haha sick..
After work i am suppose to meet Ron to go vivo for dinner/shopping... so we arranged to meet at raffles place mrt after work..... I went into the station control and sat down there waiting for him to arrive.. While waiting there was a lady security guard patroling the place. She smiled at me and told me that she thinks i am very pretty and look like a doll.. ho sey.. make my day.. she even asked me if i am married haha.. we chatted a bit as i am scared but heng ron arrived and i quickly ran over..
I nearly cried when i saw him.. well i control my emotions pretty well but i was dead happy.. guess what he did, he knows i like to eat donuts as i mentioned about vinco at vivo city before. In fact we were going there later and I was thinking to go there to buy some. we even talked abt the donut factory at raffles place, where the queue is horrible. Ron mentioned before that he die also won't go there queue one so long.. haha
But Mr toh so sweet.. queued for 2 1/2 hrs so that his Miss tan can get to try the donuts.. The thought of it makes me feel so happy.. sighx!!! 我好开心!!!no words can describe how i feel la..
To Mr toh: i enjoyed every min and every day with you.. thanks for everything!

Today i went to work and haikx ailing never come so it was pretty busy...
I think i am silly in love, i have ron's pic on my hp wall paper and i will put my hp beside my keyboard so that i can catch a glance at his pic whenever i am free. haha sick..
After work i am suppose to meet Ron to go vivo for dinner/shopping... so we arranged to meet at raffles place mrt after work..... I went into the station control and sat down there waiting for him to arrive.. While waiting there was a lady security guard patroling the place. She smiled at me and told me that she thinks i am very pretty and look like a doll.. ho sey.. make my day.. she even asked me if i am married haha.. we chatted a bit as i am scared but heng ron arrived and i quickly ran over..
I nearly cried when i saw him.. well i control my emotions pretty well but i was dead happy.. guess what he did, he knows i like to eat donuts as i mentioned about vinco at vivo city before. In fact we were going there later and I was thinking to go there to buy some. we even talked abt the donut factory at raffles place, where the queue is horrible. Ron mentioned before that he die also won't go there queue one so long.. haha
But Mr toh so sweet.. queued for 2 1/2 hrs so that his Miss tan can get to try the donuts.. The thought of it makes me feel so happy.. sighx!!! 我好开心!!!no words can describe how i feel la..
To Mr toh: i enjoyed every min and every day with you.. thanks for everything!
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