MY Kenny..What i love about you :I don't deny you are cute, U may not be tall very rich but everything
else falls into place nicely
You have a mind of your own, although u always can't decide but NOW i
know its because u respect me and want to let me do things that i will
be happy instead
You have a kind heart, i know.. u always tell me to care about how
others feel and to forgive and forget and give people chances.
You always lend a helping hand to your friends.. that's why everyone
loves u so much
What i dun like abt you :Stubborn - just like how stubborn you are now not wanting to get back with
each other just coz u tot abt it and u think its the best for us.
Nothing much.. just love u the way u are I swear
06/09/2003 :I'll never forget the day you ask me to be yours...
Our Love StoryBasically one night a guy by the nick Iori0_0 msg me. I dunno who that was
so i just talk a bit. After a bit of intro, we started chatting..(after a
while he told me he msg the wrong princess.. kns right!! but den again if
not we wun know each other at all) at tt time, i got to know his friend
and tt time ron was always teasing us. Ron send me a pic of kenny with his
friends and i was like "ooh ok.. i see him b4 but dunno who" lol..
At times we tot of meeting but den he always wake up late or something
crop up.. i grew tired and dun wan meet liao, but den duno why we
met one day. At first i was rather scared of him becoz he seem so quiet
machiam got zi bi zheng.. but den he still got talk to me la.. hehe..
Ever since the first time we met, he would come and pick me up from work
every day. He would buy watermelon or ice cream for me sometimes.. but the
whole cup of ice cream, i would only get to eat one small bit coz all melt
liao haha.. at that time i was very happy as everyday after a tough day at
work, i would open the door and see him smiling at me to pick me up after
We went a lot of places during our one month of dating.. trying every damn
restaurant in town coz when he go NS, he would not get to each good food
liao.. we had our funny moments like how to chilli bottle in Kenny Rogers
just simply would not let us pour out the chilli sauce. Or the silly
when he ask me to be his gf but i always say i not interested to have bf..
Ohh well i think i really did give him a tough time den.. tho at tt time a
few other guys were also going after me, he is the one that i picked
eventually.. right dear? me ya prized possession eh? lol
The day he go NS, i cried.. tho at tt time i was not his gf, i did feel v
upset. Its like when i open the door when i knock off from work, there was
no warm and familar face there to pick me up or to cheer me up. I met my
friends tt day and i also cried in front of them.. ooh well me cry baby..
The morning he go NS, he also fetch me to BK eat breakfast den bring me to
office. I really can't bear to let go.. realising tt he really did affect
feelings. I was v confused at tt time but at that moment my mind was really
cleared.. i do wanna be with him..
Ooh well the day after his bday, is the week when he first book out from
camp.. b4 tt day, he said to me he would ask me to be his gf again and hope
tt i would agree.. and i did! and boy was he happy.. so was i :)
just wanna say, "Dear altho sometimes we do not agree with each other,
remember what i say, if one give way the others must too. I love ya!"
remember this story?
everytime i read this i cry
I told u that although i may not need u physically beside me but
emotionally i still need ur security..
no one has ever given me so much happiness that u have
I did a lot of "first time" things with u.. like eating Fish and Co, go on
holiday with each other,..
These may seem to be little things to you but think abt all the happy times
we have spent together.. The times we laugh and cry with each other...
the times u fetch me for movie and eat fish and Co after tt at jurong
point. On Valentine's day u surprised me with the flowers.. No one has ever
done that for me.. only you..
Everytime we quarrel, I was never selfish to my own feelings. I always let
and give each other a chance coz i know how much we mean to each other..
maybe u feel that u may not feel anything for me now coz u are still
stubborn and make urself hate and block me out to make way for your
I still need your emotional guide and support.. no one can give that to u
but me
You can have your friends i can have mind but at least i still have you..
You may think i am forcing you.. sobx.. why do i deserve this?
You want me to get on with my life just like you did.. but 1 yr.. waking up to hear your voice.. I wun leave u.. i dun
wanna leave u.. would u wan a ger who love u but yet is willing to live u
anytime? den tell me what love does tt person provide u with den..
u ask me to assume u love me.. but if tts the case i can assume prince
william is my husband.. tts not true.. i know part of you still love me..
tho it may not be that much but we can slowly build that up.. I wanna hate
u for doing this to me but my love for u exceeds this so much i hate myself
for not being able to stand up for myself..
You mentioned u are soft hearted den why now suddenly so hard hearted to
me.. xin hao tong hao tong.. what did i do to deserve all these.. if u say
i dun deserve den give me back my kenny.. gimme back the love that he has
showered me last time..
I know u are sick of hearing this.. I wish my heart is sick so it can just
stop beating for u too.. I wish depression can kill coz if so i wun be
feeling so bad now.. at least i feel nothing...
That's how much i love u my Kenny Cheong Chyuan Lih..
Love you so much,
*This is the edited version i sent to him to tell him how impt he is to me*