Monday, November 6, 2006

Hi all,

i'm back with my dinner and dance pic
all me only la if got any den put lo but den!! only nice one la not nice one i dun wan put of course

must pose nice nice den can ma!!

ok laugh ar !! my hair curly nice not!! let me know le!

more group pics coming soon!! will update accordingly once i have them!! so more of me me me me me first haha..

anyway i dun consider myself as a tomboy.. actually i think i am very girly, i like pink and i wanna be a princess ahahahhahaha.. but at times i feel if you are a girl, ooh please don't abuse that girls are suppose to be emotional and can be emotional yadayadayada. there is always an extend.. isn't it a little sick to always see some girls cry at the very sight of little things or even nothing.. kns i see liao i nth to say.. yea laugh maybe.. kinda pissed actually.. the very day u see me talk this way please knock the hell outta me.. so sick i wanna puke..

1) Friend: ooh my dog fell down the stairs
me: ooh really *sobx wailx* poor thing *tears swell in my eyes*

2) Friend: I failed my test
me: tts so sad!! *sobx bish bash cries bawls*

wtf loh get what i mean.. this happens in real life leh.. if you have friends like that den u will know man.. sorry i won't pity you i will just think u are damn weak loh.. worse is they expect me to feel sad with them also if not they kinda pissed with me.. i mean hello common loh i wanna be sad i will be la no need others to tell me *rolls eyes*

back to other crap.. since it's been so long i talk like this.. i need to unlease it all.. in the past i don't know how many months.. i have been a very good girl.. those close to me knows that i have been keeping my big mouth shut from all thos @#$@$@#$ that you can imagine.. yea i am no longer like that.. i am nice!! very nice!! but its like hor... don't push it leh.. i hate people accusing me of having attutide problem when i am trying to be nice liao.. still say me.. den i let u taste what you are asking for *evil laughter* till the end.. when i get upset and all, i can always count on some of my impt friends to listen to..

i don't know what to type liao leh.. ooh ya my uniform.. some say i look like jap pornstar *kns you know who u are*, others comment it is very cute. Its for fun la and its really fun dressing up le.. in that uniform my friends say i look like princess or a spoil brat.. yea i know i look like a spoil brat hahaha come one spoil me!!!!!

ok enough for now.. more updates later

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