Well let me rave a little... *rolls eyes* its my blog ok i wanna save this so that i can read abt this next time.. See dear is someone who will keep his little princess safe.. He cares a lot about me... he makes sure i am safe.. really i am not joking.. when i am sick... knn i'll talk more about me being sick later.. dear ensure i ate my medicine.. in fact he feeds me my med.. and still have to hear me whine and whine about not wanting to eat medicine... Dear also is my QC(quality control) officer.. haha he will QC my dressing and make sure i don't overexpose myself.. people might think it is not so nice that he controls so much but i don't feel it that way.. in fact it makes me feel he cares a lot about me... Oh goodness what have i been missing out all these years without him......... enough about praising him if not later he got snatch away haha....
God has given me the best birthday present...... him...
Anyway on to raving about our one month anniversary.. dear brought me to cozybay.. lovely place.. i guess we are really very happy that we are celebrating this day together... seeing him makes my heart melt.. the scenary is beautiful.. actually this one month with him.. more or less we know how each of us like to chut pattern.. always constantly challenging who is more lame and full of nonsense.. and yea i am becoming more and more auntie already haha but nm i like...
Also i have been eating home more often but nope not at my own place but at his place.. his mom is a great cook and yay cause of me, she gets to eat what she likes cause in the past she only cook stuff that mr fussy-eater toh likes haha.. Our one month also marks a significant date to us as now we can say "together one month only liao now like that liao loh" haha
We took lotsa pics!! come come let me show u some
my fav pic...
taken after dinner in the bus..
cheeky boy face..
and finally.. yours truely...
Last friday.. i went to dinner with dear to celebrate paul's birthday at Brewerks at clarke quay.. i don't know what i ate but i kenna food poisoning again and needs to go to doc for injection.. knn the medicine taste like shit!!!! it was so bad i was sick for like 4 days.. dear need to force me take medicine somemore.....
Well dear said he is going to being me to sentosa tmr... i wonder what will the next 2 days be like..... will i get as many birthday wishes as i did last yr???????? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm excited!! will load more pics for u all when i get back!!!!!!
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