Well I am engaged!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *gives the girly high pitch scream and starts jumping around.*
This is definitely not what I expected I swear as I thought it is not going to happen till like a few months later.
Come to think of it I want to laugh.. a few days prior to the proposal, Mathilda, Elaine and a few other girls were like asking me on separate occasions when will Ron propose to me and they are suspecting its soon!
I brushed off the idea as the day before the proposal, I told Ron that a few of my girlfriends have been asking me about it and that I am suspecting its on my birthday! Haha I am always playing around with my words to trick him out of saying something.
He told me that if I want a proposal anytime soon, it will just be a “any-o-how” kinda thing and that I will be sooooo not impressed.
So I was like ok loh! As I did not want it to be a “Want to buy HDB not” moment as its damn corny la. So not romantic at all!
So here’s the lovely story on what happened that faithful day:
4th July 2009 - Saturday
We woke up at around noon and I was very tired as we want for supper the night before. I was nagging at dada what could be so important to Zhen Hui and Sharon that they are not free to celebrate my birthday with me today.
Sharon told me on Monday that she wasn’t able to make it on Saturday as she had something on and wanted me to celebrate on Sunday with her. I was like what to do! I want my girlfriends and my dada to celebrate with me as that is the most important thing to me.
So I have no choice but to say ok (though quite reluctantly but haha :P)
So dada said why not we go for our dinner just the 2 of us and I just let him plan the whole thing himself.
He suggested Oosh Restaurant in Dempsey which is somewhere we wanted to go but have not been. Our reservation was at 7.30pm and since it was still early, dada suggested we take a walk in the Botanical Gardens instead.
We only covered a small area as it was simply too big and was just busy snapping pictures away hehe.
Me at the entrance!
I love this signage not sure why haha
The map so that I will not get lost!
Taken from Swan Lake
Due to the high heels that I have worn, my feet were so tired that I suggested that we go to the restaurant first.
We took a cab there (wasted $5 as it was so near only but its ok cause leg pain haha) and when I reached there, the waiter told me to wait for a while as they need to go see if the table was set properly.
I was telling dada that the place don’t seem to be crowded so why must be so troublesome still need to wait.
It seems so ATAS to me I told him that maybe we should change location cause it seems expensive. But he reassured me as he said it is my birthday so we can have something better.
I looked around the place and find the ambience quite romantic and was pretty excited. The waiter then guided us to our table and showed us the menu.
It was just a small table, enough for 2, with a candle lit in the middle and was pretty impress as it was kinda romantic.
As I was browsing through the menu, someone actually tapped me from behind and screamed “SURPRISE!!!”
I was like “WHAT THE!!” haha and I saw Sharon, Zhenhui, Ade and Jennifer behind me!
I was very happy as I was like telling them that I was thinking what could be more important to them than celebrating my birthday this weekend hahahahaa!
I was then guided to a bigger table with the surroundings decorated with the “Happy Birthday” sign as well as heart shaped balloons!
We were laughing away and trying to gather up to take pictures as well as order our food. The Portobello mushrooms are delicious! I simply love it! They ordered the oysters but were pretty disappointed as they thought that it was raw but it was baked with garlic and I think cheese. Still! I thought it tasted horrible! Haha Kaixin (my sis) came to join us as well and I was sooooo happy!
From left to right: Zhenhui, Jen, Ade
From left to right: Top: Kx, me, Sharon. Bottom: Zh, Jen, Ade
After our order was taken, someone tapped me from behind AGAIN and give me a big bouquet of flowers with a dish covered with a lid from.. They told me it is my birthday cake and I was still digesting that information in my mind.. (Slow yea i know haha). Anyway they were rushing me and quickly sang the birthday song and yet in my mind I was like WTH! Where’s my candles and why are they singing so fast? I wasn’t fast enough to react and I was like huh.. Ok cake... ok open up the lid.. And in the lid lay a pretty blue box that simply melt my heart...
Dear and I went ring shopping before like half a year back cause he wanted to know what kinda designs I like and as you know... picky me.. I am very particular about things haha! So I told him I like Goldheart (cause Ailin’s ring is so nice la), Larry Lazare (due to the many reviews that it is v bling!!) and last but not least Tiffany. As much as I like Tiffany, I know its blardy ex la so I tell him whatever he buys for me I will like it! So the rest was up to him... but deep in my heart I was praying that Tiffany be mine!!!!
So back to the proposal! After I saw the box, dear took it and started to adjust his chair so that he can kneel down... I never expect him to do this.. to kneel down that is but he did! He said a few words to me.. (Dun wan to tell you what haha) and I can see tears in his eyes.. (so sweet) I know he sincerely meant it and I love him so much so I said yes! Of course la!!! Haha
I love my ring la!! So big!! So happy!!! But at that time i was still WTH just happened and I did not take it in all.. So shocked and surprised.. I did not cry (not the sort who cry in front of others and I think none of my friends ever saw me cry before!! Not even my besties). Sharon did a nice and lovely Proposal Cert for us! I love it!
My Engagement Ring!!
The pictures does not do any justice to my ring at all! It's very sparkly.
The cert unsigned!
We penned down our signature!
They have gotten it videoed:
Zhenhui then told me she have a surprise for me and then asked me over to another place in the restaurant where I can see a live band perform. She told me she made a special arrangement and the live band sang a birthday song to me.. It was ooh so sweet! So nice le!
After the song, the band asked if I want to join them for a song and I was like what the? I wasn’t even prepared and I am sure I can’t think of any song to sing right then haha so we went back to the table.
The waiter then called me back to the same place as the band wanted to dedicate another song to me.. It was a slow piece I think by John Mayer and dada was with me.. So I talked to him.. Just the 2 of us.. And asked him how long he took to prepare and how did he do it.. He then spills it all to me and it was then I cried. I cried cause I was touched by what he did, by how much he may spent on my ring cause I was shocked when he told me the size, by how much my friends have done for me to make this a special day. On Wednesday, dada bluff me say he was going out with his guy friends for a game of billard but in actual fact he met Zhenhui to recee Dempsey to find a nice place. Zhenhui actually drove him there and went with him to scout the place.. And during lunch time, Zhenhui, Sharon and him met up too to plan on the whole thing.. I will get him to blog from his side of the story as well haha..
The thing about dada is he knows that I will get suspicious and will do silly things.. Dada knows that I may check up on him and he actually got Zhenhui to keep my ring so that she can bring it on the actual day. Truth is that on Friday, I got suspicious as I wondered why the girls cannot meet me! I was still v annoyed with it haha. I was looking around dada’s bag to see if got anything special or something but of course I did not find anything. I think dada did tell Zhenhui that I will search his bag or something for clues and I am guilty as charged lol. I found nothing! And I suspect nothing! That is what made it more shocking for me!
But of course I dried my tears before I do back to my table and Zhenhui then ask me why we never slow dance -.-“
We had our dinner and it was lovely.. and we took ooh so many pictures...
Yummy Portobello!
After that we approached to PS Cafe to have Desserts!! Yummy! It was a long wait though as they do not take in advance reservation. Then came Shengwei, Patrick, Tingfeng, Wanyi and Gordon.
Sharon with her hungry face haha
We ordered so many desserts and fries! So full I nearly vomit!
My flowers smell lovely!!! So big the bouquet and I love it!
Sharon wanted to perform a magic trick and we got Gordon to bring a stack of card. Please see video below as it was hilarious. Her and her silly tricks as usual.
It was one of the most memoriable day of my life!
I'm engaged!!
Thanks to dada and all my friends to create this lovely birthday/proposal for me.
Thank you dada for everything!! I love you and my birthday present too!
Lovely e-ring with tiffany charm bracelet!
Thank you Zhenhui for bringing Ron to source for a lovely place as well as help him keep the ring, collect the flowers, go buy the deco..
Thanks Sharon for buying the deco and plan it all (Ron told me it was you who messaged him to ask if U guys should plan a surprise for me!) I know it’s not easy to carry the balloons and walk around in Bugis!
Thanks Jennifer, Ade, Kaixin, Tingfeng, Shengwei, Patrick, Wanyi and Gordon for coming!!
Thank you Jen, Ade, Sharon, Zh, Mich and Neng for the speakers to match my lappy!
Thank you meimei for the dior gloss! I love it!
Thank you to all from ML for my lovely Precious momeny figurine!! and Su Anne for the lovely earrings! (pictures not up yet)
I love you all!
omg why did u post my failed magic trick video!