I am so angry as blogger screwed me up! ARGH what is wrong man! I type a pretty long entry and it is all gone!
Anyway retyping this will not be the same but ai ya just do it la!
It's that time of the year again! my 2009 Wishlist for my bday!! coming soon!
I didn’t do much over the weekend. Just basically watched transformers, did my lashes as well as went to my uncle’s chalet.
Remember I mentioned in my previous post that I lost my farecard? I was whining to dada on how sad I was as it is more costly and inconvenient for me as I hate to use coins. So the next day, dada came over to my place at 8am to pass me his extra farecard as well as breakfast for me! I am so happy!! My favourite beehoon from my house nearby market!

On Saturday, I went over to Helen’s at Bugis to do my lashes.. It has been approximately half a year that I did my lashes.. Well thinking that I will have a fruitful month, I shall do up my lashes so I can take pretty photos with it hehehe! Busy time for me in July as always as I will be celebrating my bday, sharon’s bday, zh’s bday, Ben’s wedding as well as my Thailand trip! I can’t wait!
So I made dada take some pictures of my pre-lash extension look without make up

We passed by this shop in BV that sell juice and I saw something funny so I force dada to take a picture of it for me so that I can post it here hehehe

I teared quite a lot this time as I am not used to the lashes initially and I guess I made dada a bit worried cause he didn’t know what to do haha
Tada! Me with my pretty lash extensions! It is not really obivious in this pictures but i will try to take better ones hehe

After that, I popped over to OG to get some toys for my dear baby cousin Skyle.. I seldom buy him stuff so I guess now is a good time as I get to play with him later at the chalet. There was a whole range of toys but I just simply don’t know what to get for him.. wanted to get him Ben 10 or Transformers but I guess he is still too young to appreciate it.. Eventually, I chose the Action City Automall set as I know that he loves cars~ wroom wroom!!

Here some pictures of dada with Skyle in action!

Skyle is a happy baby!

Movie Reviews time!

What more can I say! I love it! Got pretty girl to see (Megan Fox) and handsome boy to drool about (Josh Duhamel) and the effects are way cool!!! I don’t want to comment much! Watch it and you will know it! I give it 4.5 out of 5 popcorns.. And give me Optimus Prime and Bubble Bee!!
Sad to say a pop icon has passed away recently.. RIP Michael Jackson! I will surely miss you!